
Trampled by Winter

I have to admit that recently bluegrass music has been my meat and potatoes. It's what I enjoy listening to when I'm at work, or folding clothes, or cleaning my room.

While I'm pretty ignorant about bluegrass bands and have grown a bit tired of trendy/bluegrass-inspired stuff like Mumford and Sons, sometimes I'll run into something that — while falling into that broad category — still surprises me.

I think what I like about Trampled by Turtles is that they go fast. They stay away from the sad, dark ballady stuff and go pedal to the metal — even when the lyrics might still bring you back to that fluffy romantic stuff.

TbT put out two albums last year: Palamino and Duluth (referencing their home town, Duluth, MN). This song, titled "Wait so Long," is from Palamino — and while the video is very meh, it kind of shows their breakneck pace:

Dave Simonett, TbT's lead singer, also has a side project called Dead Man Winter releasing their first LP next week. It's a bit more rock and roll but keeps the country twang (reminding me of the excellent The Elected). You can find the entire album for streaming through Spotify.


  1. I have never heard you listen to bluegrass! Not once!

  2. To be fair, you don't spend so much time with me when I'm at work, or folding clothes, or cleaning my room...

  3. Ouch. Getting nasty!!
