
Four non-blondes

This one is not about that mid-90's one-hit wonder. It is not about an new blog-hype either. These four are all over the news. Household names, one would say. But maybe, you never know, someone still doesn't know about them and happens to be reading the last choice. It would be unforgivable that we don't tell said reader about them. So here we go.

Charlotte Gainsbourg
French regal gal, manages to put out records while delivering disturbing acting in Von Trier films. Here's "Memoir", from the recently released EP, Terrible Angels. If you're into remembering Goldfrapp, you will like the song "Terrible Angels" better than this one. Check out the video.

Eleanor Friedberger
I had a crush on a girl once (in 2004). She told me about her love for The Fiery Furnaces. So I listened to "Blueberry Boat" and "EP"to an unhealthy degree... Anyway, the Furnaces are witty and playful and generally awesome (except maybe live). Eleanor (half of the band, sister of the other half) released a solo album in July called Last Summer. Her brother Matthew has also released music (4 in a series of 6 experimental-ish EPs; less, say, accessible). I think I know now which half of the Furnaces I like better.

St. Vincent
Aw, Annie Clark. So good. So, so good. Read the interview at Pitchfork, and be sure to get her new album, Strange Mercy.

They reunited and put out a new record this summer. I'm not completely in love with it. They also put out a live record, "Live at Koko". Listening to it is going back in time 10 years, yet it sounds so perfectly new and current. Lou Rhodes's voice is ridiculously beautiful.


  1. St. Vincent will be at the Moody Theater next month. And as Parkour can attest to you never know who else might come along for the ride.

  2. Yes, I forgot to mention. Will attend (floor tickets).
