
A singer specialising in chansons

A singer specialising in chansons is known as a "chanteur" (male) or "chanteuse" (female); a collection of chansons, especially from the late Middle Ages and Renaissance, is also known as a chansonnier. Elou Elan does Nordic Chanson Pop and hails from Copenhagen. Album coming soon, but currently unsigned...maybe Last Choice should start a record label.

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1 comment:

  1. Quoting PeterParkour - 'Bands not called Arcade Fire seem to be having trouble writing satisfying, good, interesting songs that last more than 3 minutes. Everything these days seems to be "get in, get out, wham-bam-thankyoumaam." What the fuck is up with that? What ever happened to courtship? starting slow and building up? What happened to romance? What have we come to? How many questions can a blog post have? What is the meaning of life?'

    Almost 6.5 minutes long, smoke and mirrors (maybe a metaphor for life?) Wow, that's depressing. I like this idea better:

    'She saw that the past was a recent invention; that people scarificed the present for a future that never really came, that those who tied all of their dreams to an afterlife had no life for there to be an 'after' of...' - Ellen Cherry

    (TR - Skinny Legs and All)
