
More reasons to move to Barcelona

We all want an excuse to go to Barcelona. A great excuse to go to Barcelona is if a close friend moves there (ahem -- Bob Jovi -- ahem).

But apparently the beach, the climate, the history, the futbol and the food is not enough for some. So here's a little bit more food for thought.

Joan Colomo is a Catalan indie artist that started doing solo work in 2009. In 2011 he released two full length albums back to back, Producto Interno Bruto Vol. 1 and 2. Most songs are in Catalan, some in Spanish — but for those that have never heard Catalan, the language is so interesting in and of itself that even without understanding the lyrics you can't help but be entranced. The language mixed with his Joan's quick pop sensibility feels like skipping rocks on the creek, or like colorful balloons popping. Truly infectious.

Here's his most recent video, coming from PIB vol. 1, for the song Mágic.
Joan Colomo * Màgic from Alan Masferrer on Vimeo.

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