

These are some songs I didn't get the chance to share with my friends in the nearly three months of blogging constipation that end today.

Orelha Negra is a Portuguese collective with a fresh release. The album is ok overall, with some songs standing out.

I have trouble knowing if something is popular already. But if they're not yet, I think The Milk will be the shit pretty soon. These chaps continue the R&B/Soul revival, and they sound like they may be fun live (they're coming to SXSW). As a plus, this cover has the potential of rescuing a good song from the claws of bros. On the other hand, they may turn out to be bro material themselves.

French Surf. No comment.

Monsieur Adi shows us that good mashups are possible. Here's Ellie Goulding singing on top of Daft Punk.

Groove Armada take us back to the good days of electronica/progressive house (like 10 years ago). This is from 'White Light'(2010), an album with reworked tracks from 'Black Light' (released earlier last year).

Finally, I can't help adding this one. I guess you all get the Mad Decent newsletter and know about it. But this remix of Rihanna's already-good "What's My Name" is sticky as shit.

1 comment:

  1. I drive all night just to get back home, So now I'm going back again. Wanted Tangled, Dead Up Or In Blue...Alive. Bob Jovi is back!
